Onto the details!
- I didn't want to use a cupcake or cake, so I googled pattiseries and lord, am I hungry.
- Settled for a cupcake anyway because is more identificable than other baked goodies.
- Pastel blue because Patton, that's a given.
- The original idea was to use the cupcake to separate the word, but using different fonts seemed more natural.
- Not so easy to spot, but the letter T has a gradient.
- Once put together, the fonts made me think of the shows Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie, they both have animated intros, so I just went ahead and made everything else cartoon-like.
- The things where the cupcakes are were originally intended to be iron thingies (how are they called?) but I really wanted to try my hand on a mock-up and, of course, there's no way to have something exact, so they're drawn in this one.